When we observe the planets from the Earth, they seem to move forward. At one point, they slow down their movement, stop and it seems to us they are coming back. In fact, it's an optical illusion. Practically the planets only slow down their course. This state is called retrograde, and between all of them Mercury has the strongest effect on humans.

When a planet is retrograde, it is at rest. Then it can not control the activities for which it is responsible, and brings a confusion bordering on chaos. Although the danger of this in the media is more than exaggerated, the image of Retrograde Mercury is perceived as negative. This public attitude attracted me as a researcher in the beginning of 2016, and after my deep penetration into the matter as an artist, I established the positive trends that this period brings. In the next moment from limitation, he became a chance and from a flaw turned into opportunity. Mercury’s retrograde periods happen usually three or four times per year and last for about a month. After idea of the exhibition has been born, I waited for each of them to come in order to create my works. During the Retrograde Mercury, the imagination intensifies, the thirst for knowledge grows, fruitful days come to the creative natures. The pace of work slows down, allowing you to look at yourself and devote yourself to fantasies. For two years patiently and methodically I used this potential by realizing my ideas on the subject, only during periods of Retrograde Mercury. As I draw energy from the astrological phenomenon, I watched it become a threat to the others. In astrology, however, there is no good or bad, there are only principles, tendencies, and influences with different characteristics that our polar consciousness tends to absolutize. Apocryphal saints and Eastern fatalism combined with existential European sorrow united in a series of drawings, graphics, sculptures, and collages to remind us that no matter how wealthy and famous a person is still mortal.

The last retrograde cycle of the year is from November 17 to December 7, within the framework of the exhibition by which I finish the project and I leave myself at the moment when one can explore, analyze and co-invent his creation on a conscious and subconscious level, understanding the past.

Kaloyan Iliev – Kokimoto

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„Ретрограден Меркурий“

Изложба на Калоян Илиев – Кокимото

17 ноември - 7 декември 2018

Contemporary space, ул. Марко Балабанов 23, Варна

Откриване: 17 ноември, 19:00 ч.

Наблюдавайки планетите от Земята изглежда, че се движат напред. В един момент забавят движението си, спират и започва да ни се струва, че се връщат назад. Всъщност това е оптична илюзия. В действителност планетите само забавят своя ход. Това състояние се нарича ретроградно, а от всички тях Меркурий е с най-силен ефект върху хората.

Когато една планета е ретроградна, тя се намира в покой, а тогава не може да контролира дейностите за които отговаря и затова настъпва объркване, граничещо с хаос. И въпреки, че опасността от това в медиите е по-скоро пресилена, отколкото реална, образа на Ретрограден Меркурий се възприема като негативен. Тази публична нагласа ме привлече като изследовател в началото на 2016 година, а след по-задълбоченото ми навлизане в материята и като творец установих позитивните тенденции, които носи периода. В следващия момент от ограничение той се превърна в шанс и от недостатък в предимство. Ретроградните периоди на Меркурий обикновено са три или четири пъти годишно и траят около месец. След вече зародилата се идея за изложба, изчаках идването на всеки един от тях, за да създам произведенията си. По време на Ретрограден Меркурий се засилва въображението, нараства жаждата за знания, настъпват ползотворни дни за творческите натури. Темпото на работа се забавя, което дава възможност да се вгледаш в себе си и отдадеш на фантазиите. В продължение на две години търпеливо и методично използвах този потенциал, като реализирах идеите си по темата, само и единствено по време на Ретрограден Меркурий. Докато черпя енергия от астрологичния феномен, наблюдавах как той се превръща в заплаха за околните. В астрологията обаче няма добро или лошо, има само принципи, тенденции и влияния с различни характеристики, които нашето полярно съзнание е склонно да абсолютизира. Апокрифни светци и източен фатализъм, съчетан с екзистенциалната европейска тъга се обединиха в серия от рисунки, графики, пластики и колажи, за да напомня чрез тях, че колкото и да е богат и известен човек, все пак е смъртен.

Последният за годината ретрограден цикъл е от 17 ноември до 7 декември, в рамките на изложбата, с която завършвам проекта и се оставям на онзи момент, когато човек може да изследва, анализира и съприживява създаденото от него на съзнателно и подзъзнателно ниво, осмисляйки миналото.

Калоян Илиев – Кокимото

Mercury Retrograde Exhibition View 1, Arosita Gallery, 3.12.2017

Mercury Retrograde Exhibition View 2, Arosita Gallery, 3.12.2017

Mercury Retrograde Exhibition View 3, Arosita Gallery, 3.12.2017

Mercury Retrograde Exhibition View 4, Arosita Gallery, 3.12.2017

Mercury Retrograde Exhibition View 5, Arosita Gallery, 3.12.2017

Blade prince, 2017. One of a kind wooden mask, acrylic paint, blades, leather. Private collection

Blade prince, 2017. One of a kind wooden mask, acrylic paint, blades, leather. Private collection

Retrograde hand, 2017. One of a kind wooden sculpture, acrylic paint. Private collection

Retrograde hand, 2017. One of a kind wooden sculpture, acrylic paint. Private collection

Retrograde Collage Series 1, 2017

Retrograde Collage Series 1, 2017

Retrograde Collage Series 2, 2017

Retrograde Collage Series 2, 2017

The third eye, 2017. One if a kind wooden figure, acrylic paint. Private collection

The third eye, 2017. One if a kind wooden figure, acrylic paint. Private collection

Kokimoto waved our heads Series. 2016. Wooden figures, acrylic paint

Kokimoto waved our heads Series. 2016. Wooden figures, acrylic paint

Saint Kokimuerte, 2017. Acrylic on canvas. One of a kind, 100x50 cm

Saint Kokimuerte, 2017. Acrylic on canvas. One of a kind, 100x50 cm

Saint Citizen, 2017. Acrylic on canvas. One of a kind, 100x50 cm

Saint Citizen, 2017. Acrylic on canvas. One of a kind, 100x50 cm

Saint Millionaire, 2017. Acrylic on canvas. One of a kind, 100x50 cm

Saint Millionaire, 2017. Acrylic on canvas. One of a kind, 100x50 cm

Тhematic landscape, 2017. Tempera on paper, one of a kind in collaboration. Private Collection

Тhematic landscape, 2017. Tempera on paper, one of a kind in collaboration. Private Collection

Four Retrograde Seasons, 2017. One of a kind. Oil paint on canvas, feat. outsider artist

Four Retrograde Seasons, 2017. One of a kind. Oil paint on canvas, feat. outsider artist

Mercury Retrogrande Series, 2017. One of a kind wooden figures, acrylic paint. Private collection

Mercury Retrogrande Series, 2017. One of a kind wooden figures, acrylic paint. Private collection

Irritant white horse head, 2016. One of a kind wooden figure, acrylic paint. Private collection

Irritant white horse head, 2016. One of a kind wooden figure, acrylic paint. Private collection

Irritant black horse head, 2016. One of a kind wooden figure, acrylic paint. Private collection

Irritant black horse head, 2016. One of a kind wooden figure, acrylic paint. Private collection

Feel like a natural artist, 2016. One of a kind skate deck, acrylic paint. Private collection

Feel like a natural artist, 2016. One of a kind skate deck, acrylic paint. Private collection

Retrograde snowman, 2015. One of a kind wooden sculpture, acrylic paint. Private collection

Retrograde snowman, 2015. One of a kind wooden sculpture, acrylic paint. Private collection

Тhe Pyramid of ILLUMICKEY, 2016. One of a kind wooden figure, acrylic paint. Private collection

Тhe Pyramid of ILLUMICKEY, 2016. One of a kind wooden figure, acrylic paint. Private collection

Mercury Retrograde Sign, 2016-2017. Acrylic paint on wood, one of a kind

Mercury Retrograde Sign, 2016-2017. Acrylic paint on wood, one of a kind

OLD SKULL Series, 2016. One of a kind wooden figures, acrylic paint

OLD SKULL Series, 2016. One of a kind wooden figures, acrylic paint

“Is it future, or is it past?” and "Convenience store", 2017. Coloured etching. Editions of 13

“Is it future, or is it past?” and "Convenience store", 2017. Coloured etching. Editions of 13

Retrograde Tiger Trophy, 2017. One of a kind wooden tiger head, acrylic paint. Private collection

Retrograde Tiger Trophy, 2017. One of a kind wooden tiger head, acrylic paint. Private collection

Retrograde Tiger Mask Diy Qee Toy, 2017. Custom toy, acrylic paint on vinyl. Private collection

Retrograde Tiger Mask Diy Qee Toy, 2017. Custom toy, acrylic paint on vinyl. Private collection

Maneki neko tiger, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Maneki neko tiger, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Tiger skull, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Tiger skull, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Tiger series, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Tiger series, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Tiger mask mania, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Tiger mask mania, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Team building, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Team building, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

“Fire walk with me”, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

“Fire walk with me”, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

“Do you have a light?”, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

“Do you have a light?”, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Win or lose Tiger's pride, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. Private collection

Win or lose Tiger's pride, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. Private collection

Characters, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm

Characters, 2017. Acrylic paint on 300 gsm Hahnemühle paper. One of a kind, 40x40 cm
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